Short Term Training Programmes

A Faculty Development Programme (FDP) a unique program designed for TCET faculty members is focused to develop faculty members with the recent developments in the field of technology. FDP’s are developed to improve teaching learning process by bringing new and innovative methods of teaching into the classroom. The FDP’s thus aims at enhancing the academic and intellectual abilities by providing faculty members with enough opportunities to improve academic delivery and pursue research. It also provides an in-house platform to enhance their knowledge.
The objective of FDP is to enhance the knowledge of the faculty members in the technical field as well as interdisciplinary areas. It also ensures overall growth of individual faculty members by organizing personality development workshops/seminars. It gives enough inputs to individual faculty members on interdisciplinary research area which will enhance working on interdepartment platforms for collaborating with government departments for research grants.
The expected outcomes of FDP’s are having well trained faculty members to contribute in seminars /
conferences / workshops as resource person. This will boost their confidence and research abilities. The
institute will gain recognition on international platform through these initiatives. FDP sessions are
conducted once in the semester at institutional level and departmental level.
From academic year 2020-21 to 2024-25 the following programs were conducted in departments: